JUNE 2022 –MAY 2023
Yearly dues $45.00
Dave Finlayson, Commander
Jay Mills, 1st Vice Commander
Tom Costello, 2nd Vice Commander
Judge Advocate
Steve Martin, Adjutant
Finance Officer
Mike Leclaire, Service Officer
Ralph Louttit, Sgt-at-Arms
Bill Steele, Chaplain
Membership Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm
Jay Mills, Chair Dave Finlayson
Tom Costello Steve Martin
Ralph Louttit
Sue Wells Dick Hodgedon
Hugh Worden Tom French
Executive Committee meeting 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm
Spencer Bristol, Chair Dave Finlayson Steve Martin Linda Thurber Steve McAvoy ______________________________
Meaghan Fegley, Chair Steve Martin
Linda Thurber Blaine Perrault
Larry Bober Cassy Martin
Activities Committee meets as needed
Yearly dues $30.00
Lori Nelson, President
Unit #5 meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm
Yearly dues $35.00
Eric Buckley, Commander
The SAL meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm
Ralph Louttit has been Color Guard Commander for two years now. The Color Guard details spend about 100 hours each month at funerals and committal services for Veterans. They also spend time in schools teaching flag etiquette and special flag raisings as well as posting the Colors for special events at and outside the Post.
Bill Steele, our Chaplain also volunteers many hours performing services for our Veteran.
Mike Leclaire and his drivers also volunteer about a hundred hours each month transporting veterans to and from appointments at the V.A. Hospital in White River and other V.A. facilities.
Volunteers from the Post also spend many hours each spring and fall posting cemetery flags and picking them up. We place more than 1100 flags each year at Veterans graves in local cemeteries and have been quite fortunate to have assistance in this from Students at St. Michaels School. Boy Scout Troop 405 (sponsored by Post 5) is also involved in this project.
The Post also donates the use of our banquet hall to the Town of Brattleboro for use as the local polling place for local and national elections.
Several years ago the S.A.L took over a project started by the Post after 9/11 and posts flags on utility poles from Veterans Bridge on Putney Rd all the way to I91, exit 1.
There is an amazing amount of work done behind the scenes by the members of this Post and all of it is done selflessly, proudly and with a love and respect for our Veterans.
We are all very grateful for the time and effort put forward by the a fore mentioned members but also by the work expended by Auxiliary and S.A.L member in putting on the Friday evening get-to-gathers.
2022 is behind us, as is (We Hope) the terrible effects of COVID. We all look forward to a 2023 that is much kinder and gentler.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR” to each of you and I look forward to seeing you at the Post Home in the near future.
Sincerely & Respectfully
Steve Martin, Adjutant